
Lo-Fi Roulette

Lo-Fi Slot Machine

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Cycles & Spots with 360 interesting gritty digital sounding Wav loops to inspire productions in genres from experimental to dance genres, from Ambient to downtempo Electronica to House. These have 105 BPM so that they also can be easily used in tempos around this. The concept here is that vintage sampler material is used as a basis and then mostly even more gritty digital processing is added to get that specific aesthetic. Think of Vaporwave but more sophisticated. If you're looking for that special something in your songs you probably want need in your sample library. Single loops can quickly trigger song ideas but you will find matching ones easily to build up your productions and only add a little bit more of your own input and you're good to go.

Pack Details:

360 Wav Loops:
200 Harmonic
160 Rhyhmic
1.17 GB

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Cycles & Spots compiled 310 vintage sounding samples / loops for Lo-Fi, Hip Hop, Ambient and experimental music productions. These are devided into the 3 categories vinly beats, tape (machine) loops and cassette loops. The beats come in many variations of the different characteristics, all long enough to let the dust / scratches be enjoyable. The cassette loops can be applied for many different genres depending how you interprete the vibes, from soulful to experimental and are extra gritty. The tape loops are the most experimental of this pack. All loops can be arranged in the form they are in already and also are perfect to chop up if you are searching for more individuality.

Pack Details:

310 Wav Loops:
100 Vinyl Beats
110 Tape Loops
100 Cassette Loops
1.27 GB

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Cycles & Spots deliver 400 Lo-Fi loops with tape, vinyl or other low fidelity characteristics to bring the nice retro touch for this genre. Saturation, flutter, wow, hiss, crackling, needle jumping and bit decimation are some of the techniqes used to create this fine collection of harmonic and rhythmic loops. Inside you'll find Drum one-shot samples (kcik, snare, hihat, percussion), beat/rhythm Wavs and instrument loops such as from electric pianos, guitars, trumpets and bass guitars/ double bass. These can spice up your sound a lot wether you use multiple or single loops from this pack.

Pack Details:

400 Wav Loops:
200 Harmonical Loops (Tape, Vinyl)
200 Rhythmical Loops (Lo-Fi, Vinyl)
938 MB

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