
Sunrizer Presets Deep House – 100 Presets

Deep Data Loops formed 100 Deep House presets for the fantastic Sunrizer synth. As this is a perfect JD-800 emulation we focused on what it can do best for the genre – chords and bass. The chords are super nice and come in the form of stabs, pads and arpeggios. The bass is pumpung and also comes as shots and arps. To have those arps means that you basically get main sequences for your tracks. On top most sounds can be massively transformed via the modulation wheel, giving you theoretically double the amount of presets.

Pack Details:

100 Preset Sounds For BeepStreet Sunrizer Synth (Cross Platform):
14 Bass
20 Chord
51 Sequences
15 Synth

Needs latest versions of BleepStreet Sunrizer Synthesizer Plugin (AU, VST, AUv3)

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